On June, 27 2023, the Port of Bar (ME) will organize the Final event of the SMARTPORT Project in Bar, at the Hotel Princess (Montenegro).
The event will start at 09:00, and it will be structured into different discussion moments to give each Partner the opportunity to explain the actions carried out and their results in the framework of this Interreg-IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro project and focus on the general objectives achieved by the Partnership.
The Final event will be the last occasion to meet the whole Partnership before the end of the SMATPORT Project - scheduled on June 30, 2023 - to finalize documentation and image for new cooperation opportunities for innovation and the exchange of good practices in the sector of energy performance and energy efficiency in the ports areas.
The "Smart and Sustainable Energy Port" Project is funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro 2014-2020 Program. Throughout its lifetime, the SMARTPORT Project aimed to enhance South Adriatic and Ionian ports’ energy profile by introducing eco-sustainable LED lighting systems through pilot actions and adopting new and efficient energy strategies that combine the use of renewable energy sources, energy saving, energy storage, and smart grid technologies.
More information: AGENDA of the Final Event