On June 20, the Partnership of the SMARTPORT Project met online for the 3° Steering Committee Meeting of the Project.
The SC Meeting was attended by representatives of the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (Lead Partner), the Municipality of Termoli (IT), the Port of Vlore (AL), the Port of Bar (ME), and the Apulia Regional Agency for Environmental Protection and Prevention (IT). Also, technical assistants of different PPs attended the meeting to support the discussion with technical data.
The meeting was an important moment to focus on the state of the art of the Project, agree on some necessary Project changes, and share news and progress reported on the Project activities by each Project Partner. In particular, in the first semester of the year, relevant progress is reported by the Port Network Authority of the Ionian Sea (Lead Partner), the Port of Bar, and the Municipality of Termoli. The PNAIS boosted the communication Project activities by spreading the social media campaign dedicated to the Partnership presentation and creating a new social media channel: the SMARTPORT Project Youtube channel. The Port of Bar started the installation of the LED lighting system in the selected area of the port and in the coming weeks, the pilot monitoring will start. The Municipality of Termoli launched the procurement procedures to buy and install the LED lighting system and in a few weeks, the technical operations will start.
The implementation of Project activities and relevant progress that occurred are stimulating the whole Partnership to finalize as soon as possible the installation of the LED lighting systems in each selected area of PPs in order to start the second project phase dedicated to the monitoring of the energy-saving.